

CFP: AAAI-03 Spring Symposium on Intelligent Multimedia Knowledge Management

dbjapan の皆様

来年3月に開催されます AAAI のシンポジウム

  AAAI-03 Spring Symposium on Intelligent Multimedia Knowledge Management


国立情報学研究所 片山紀生


                       CALL FOR PARTICIPATION

AAAI-03 Spring Symposium on Intelligent Multimedia Knowledge Management 

     March 24-26, 2003, Stanford University, Palo Alto, California

Research in diverse areas of media processing is starting to be
integrated to form systems for intelligent multimedia knowledge
management. Systems of this type will be able to perform knowledge
management activities such as extracting information from various
media such as text, speech and video, and integrating these into
alternative media streams to enrich them.

Applications for which these systems might be developed include:

Education, e.g. through integrating aural and visual presentations
with personal notes and external information resources.

Entertainment, e.g. by automatically annotating television and video
material with related information of featured individuals or events.

Business, e.g. by automatically providing additional relevant
information during meetings.

Research, e.g. via knowledge discovery and integration from different

Component technologies required by these systems include information
retrieval, information extraction, speech recognition, video and image
analysis, summarisation, agent technologies, multilingual systems,
database systems and information visualisation. For example,
extraction of information from multimedia data requires the
development and integration of robust information extraction methods
for event detection and named entity recognition with spoken
transcripts and can be integrated with information derived from video
streams. Thus rather than merely trying to locate documents,
intelligent knowledge management seeks to further integrate
technologies to actually mine knowledge from documents and
automatically make use of it.

The symposium follows on from the successful 1997 AAAI Spring
Symposium on Intelligent Integration and Use of Text, Image, Video,
and Audio Corpora. Although presentations describing research into the
novel integration of technologies and prototype systems will be the
central aspect of this symposium, the meeting also aims to bring
together researchers who might otherwise not meet to exchange ideas
and foster new research initiatives. It is hoped that learning about
related research and potential applications will inspire participants
to develop new directions in their own work and possibly to
collaborate with others working in fields complementary to their own.

It is expected that the symposium will be limited to between forty and
sixty participants. Working notes will be prepared and distributed to
participants. Registration information will be available in December.


It is planned that the symposium will consist of formal paper
presentations describing current research or prototype systems, as
well as interdisciplinary discussion sessions exploring future
developments of knowledge management technologies. Those interested in
participating in the symposium are invited to submit either a full
paper of not more than 5,000 words in length or a one page statement
of interest outlining their relevant research activities and how they
would like to contribute to the symposium.

Important dates:

October 4, 2002: deadline for all submssions.  
November 8, 2002: notification of acceptance.  
January 20, 2003: deadline for receipt of final material for working notes.

Papers and statements of interest should be submitted
electronically. Further submission details are available at

Please feel free to contact Gareth Jones (G.J.F.Jones [at] exeter.ac.uk) if
you have any questions about the symposium.

Organizing Committee

Gareth Jones (chair), University of Exeter, UK; Ruud Bolle, IBM
T.J. Watson Research Center, USA; Anni Coden, IBM T.J. Watson Research
Center, USA; Alexander Hauptmann, Carnegie Mellon University, USA;
Corinna Ng, Canon Research Centre Europe Ltd, UK; Shin'ichi Satoh,
National Institute of Informatics, Japan
