

Prof. Lu Hongjun ご逝去


 香港の Hongjun Lu先生が 3月3日 6時PM 肺癌のため
他界されました。ご冥福をお祈り申し上げます。 以下に
dbworldに 香港から発信されました。文面を添付致します。
Lu先生は アジアにおけるDB分野研究を強くリードされ、

に哀悼の言葉を ポストするサイトが立ち上げられました

また 中国から来られ日本で学び あるいは 仕事をされて
Mainland: http://www.ccf-dbs.org.cn/hongjun_lu/



Dear colleagues:

It is with great sadness and sorrow that we announce the passing away
of Prof. Hongjun Lu on March 3 from complications arising from his
treatment for cancer.

Prof. Lu received the B.Sc. degree from Tsinghua University, China, and
the MSc and PhD degrees from the Department of Computer Science,
University of Wisconsin-Madison. Before joining the Department of
Computer Science at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology,
he had worked as an engineer in the Chinese Academy of Space
Technology, as a principal research scientist in the Computer Science
Center of Honeywell Inc., Minnesota, USA (1985-1987) and as a professor
at the School of Computing of the National University of Singapore

Prof. Lu was a world renowned researcher who served the database
community with dedication and distinction in various capacities over
the years. He was a trustee of the VLDB Endowment, a member of the ACM
SIGMOD Advisory Board (1998-2002), an associate editor of IEEE
Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), chair of the
steering committee of the International Conference on Web-Age
Information Management (WAIM), and co-chair (1998-2001) and chair
(2001-2003) of the steering committee of Pacific-Asia Conference of
Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD). In December, 2004, he was
honored with a Contribution Award by the China Computer Federation
Database Society and, just recently, he was honored with this year's
inaugural PAKDD Distinguished Contribution Award.

Prof. Lu will be warmly remembered for his infectious cheerfulness,
unwavering dedication to his students and unreserved willingness to
offer his help wherever and whenever needed. His untimely passing away
is a great loss to the entire database community. He will be greatly

Please join us in offering our condolences to his wife, ZHU Juqing,
and his daughter, LU Ying, in this time of sorrow and grief.

Database Group, HKUST

(The VLDB Endowment will shortly post an announcement on DBWORLD in
recognition of his contributions to the endowment.)