

[dbjapan] WebDB Forum 2016 iDB特別セッションの詳細


WebDB Forum 2016 iDB特別セッション委員の白川です.

WebDB Forum 2016の二日目のセッションの一部として開催される

日時: 2016年9月14日(水)(WebDB Forum 2016 開催期間中)
場所: 慶應義塾大学 日吉キャンパス
URL: http://db-event.jpn.org/webdbf2016/

SIGMOD, VLDB, ICDEなどのデータ工学分野において圧倒的なプレゼンスを持つ
Professor Xiaofang Zhou (The University of Queensland, Australia,
URL: http://staff.itee.uq.edu.au/zxf/ )を招聘し,招待講演および若手


1. 招待講演(12:30-13:30)
2. ミニワークショップ(15:30-17:30)


Xiaofang Zhou (The University of Queensland, Australia)

Short Text Understanding: A Database Approach

Understanding short texts is crucial to many applications, but
challenges abound. First, short texts do not always observe the syntax
of a written language. As a result, traditional natural language
processing methods cannot be easily applied. Second, short texts
usually do not contain sufficient statistical signals to support many
state-of-the-art approaches for text processing such as topic modeling.
Third, short texts are usually more ambiguous. We argue that knowledge
is needed in order to better understand short texts. In this work, we
use lexical-semantic knowledge provided by a well-known semantic
network for short text understanding. Our knowledge-intensive approach
disrupts traditional methods for tasks such as text segmentation,
part-of-speech tagging, and concept labeling, in the sense that we
focus on semantics in all these tasks. We conduct a comprehensive
performance evaluation on real-life data. The results show that
knowledge is indispensable for short text understanding, and our
knowledge-intensive approaches are effective in harvesting semantics
of short texts. We also extend our work to handle entity linking in

Professor Xiaofang Zhou is a Professor of Computer Science at The
University of Queensland, Australia, leading the Data and Knowledge
Engineering (DKE) Group at UQ. His research focus is to find effective
and efficient solutions for managing, integrating and analyzing very
large amount of complex data for business, scientific and personal
applications. He has been working in the area of spatial and
multimedia databases, data quality, high performance database systems
and data mining. He is a Program Committee Chair for IEEE ICDE 2013,
CIKM 2016 and a General Chair of ACM Multimedia 2015. He has been an
Associate Editor of The VLDB Journal, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge
and Data Engineering, IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, World Wide
Web Journal, Distributed and Parallel Databases, and IEEE Data
Engineering Bulletin. He is the current Chair of IEEE Technical
Committee on Data Engineering (TCDE). He is also an Adjunct Professor
in Soochow University in China, leading Soochow Advanced Data
Analytics Lab there.



発表者の研究テーマに関し,Professor Xiaofang Zhou をメンターとして,



iDB特別セッション委員長: 小口 正人(お茶の水女子大学)
iDB特別セッション委員: 白川 真澄(大阪大学)

白川 真澄 (Masumi Shirakawa)
大阪大学 大学院情報科学研究科
マルチメディア工学専攻 マルチメディアデータ工学講座
〒565-0871 大阪府吹田市山田丘1-5
TEL: 06-6879-4513 FAX: 06-6879-4514
Email: shirakawa.masumi [at] ist.osaka-u.ac.jp