

[dbjapan] xSIG 2018 Call for Papers


東京大学の合田です。再度のご案内で恐縮ですが、EasyChair による投稿受付が
開始されましたので、2回目のとなる xSIG 2018 の CFP をお送りします。


 xSIG (cross-disciplinary workshop on computing Systems, Infra-
structures, and programminG) は,JSPP,SACSIS,ACSI の系譜を受け継ぎ,
(cross-SIG) 幅広い分野を対象とします.

 第2回 xSIG は,みなさまからのリクエストにお応えし,投稿時期を卒論・修

                         PC 委員長 五島 正裕

(English follows Japanese)
[Call for Papers]

                                xSIG 2018

                   The 2nd cross-disciplinary Workshop
          on Computing Systems, Infrastructures, and Programming



会期     2018/05/28 (月) ~30 (水)
会場     一橋講堂


 情報処理学会   システム・アーキテクチャ研究会(ARC)
   同      ハイパフォーマンスコンピューティング研究会 (HPC)
   同      システムソフトウェアと
          オペレーティング・システム研究会 (OS)
   同      プログラミング研究会 (PRO)

 電子情報通信学会 コンピュータシステム研究専門委員会 (CPSY)
   同      データ工学研究専門委員会 (DE)

   同      リコンフィギャラブルシステム研究専門委員会 (RECONF)


2018/02/16 (金)  論文(アップロード)〆切
2018/03/21 (水)  採否通知
2018/05/28 (月)
      ~30 (水)  xSIG 2018 開催


 xSIG (cross-disciplinary workshop on computing Systems, Infra-
structures, and programminG) は,JSPP,SACSIS,ACSI の伝統を受け継ぎ,
(cross-SIG) 幅広い分野を対象とします.

 xSIG は,これら分野にまたがる発表,議論の場を提供すること,および,
・xSIG で得られたフィードバックを元に研究を進展させ,国際学会やジャーナ

 上記の目的を達成するため,xSIG 2018 は以下の五つの施策を試みます:

 1. xSIG で発表した研究が既発表とみなされぬよう,予稿集を発行しません.

 2. ヤング・リサーチャー発表枠を設け,学生を含む若手研究者に多くの発表の

 3. ヤング・プログラム委員制度 を設け,学生を含む若手研究者に,論文査読

 4. 学生は,参加費無料 とします.

 5. その他,研究成果や取り組みが共有され,評価されるための,従来の形態

 詳しくは,http://xsig.hpcc.jp/2018/ をご覧ください.


 xSIG 2018 組織委員会:xsig2018 [at] xsig.hpcc.jp

[Call for Papers]

                                xSIG 2018

                   The 2nd cross-disciplinary Workshop
          on Computing Systems, Infrastructures, and Programming


[Date and Venue]

Date    May 28 to 30, 2018 (JST)
Venue   Hitotsubashi Hall (Tokyo)


   - IPSJ SIG System Architecture (ARC)
   - IPSJ SIG High Performance Computing (HPC)
   - IPSJ SIG System Software and Operating Systems (OS)
   - IPSJ SIG Programming (PRO)

   - IEICE Technical Committee on Computer System (CPSY)
   - IEICE Technical Committee on Data Engineering (DE)

   - IEICE Technical Committee on Reconfigurable Systems (RECONF)

[Important Dates]

   - Feb. 16, 2018  Paper (upload) due
   - Mar  21,2018  Author notification
   - May  28
       to 30, 2018  xSIG 2018

[Scope and Objectives]

 xSIG (cross-disciplinary workshop on computing Systems, Infra-
structures, and programminG) is a workshop that will started from 2017
inheriting the tradition of JSPP,SACSIS,and ACSI. It solicits
contributions from a wide range of fields related to computing systems,
infrastructures, and programming, spanning all areas covered by the
sponsoring special interest groups (cross-SIG).

 The main objectives of xSIG are to provide a forum to present and
discuss research ideas among researchers spanning many fields and to
raise young researchers through a globally standard peer review process.
In particular,
   - we hope authors of xSIG workshop to advance their research based on
     feedback received and step up to submitting their work to inter-
     national conferences and journals.
   - we hope to give authors substantial feedback as well as a place for
     young researchers to practice/improve writing papers for review,
     through the globally standard conference format of submitting
     papers for review, receiving/writing reviews, discussing papers in
     the program committee meeting, etc.

   To this end, xSIG 2018 featured the following five ideas:

  1. We do not publish workshop proceedings, so that the work presented
     in xSIG will not be regarded as published; papers presented in xSIG
     will be available to the audience during the workshop.

  2. We accommodate many presentations by young researchers including
     students in Young Researcher Slots.
     We particularly encourage students working on their Master/
     Bachelor's theses to submit a paper around them.
     We award many students from diverse criterion.

  3. We establish Young Program Committee alongside the regular Program
     Committee and welcomes participation of young researchers including
     students to it, for "an early exposure" of motivated students to
     peer review work normally done by senior researchers.

  4. We make the participation to the workshop free for students.

  5. We seek and try new ideas that change or broaden the formats in
     which researchers' efforts are appreciated and exchanged, in
     addition to the "standard" of reviewing papers.

   Visit http://xsig.hpcc.jp/2018/en/ for more details.


   xSIG 2018 Organizing Committee: xsig2018 [at] xsig.hpcc.jp


  Kazuo GODA <kgoda [at] tkl.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp>