

[dbjapan] CFA: Web and Wireless Geographical Information Systems (W2GIS 2019)



WebとGISに関する国際シンポジウムWeb and Wireless Geographical Information 
Systems(W2GIS2019)のEarly registrationの〆切(16日


17th International Symposium on
Web and Wireless Geographical Information Systems (W2GIS 2019)

May 16-17, 2019, Kyoto, Japan



Recent advances in developments of wireless Internet technologies have 
generated increasing interest in the diffusion and processing of large 
volumes of geo-spatial data. Spatially enabled mobile devices also offer 
new ways of accessing and analyzing this geo-referenced information. 
Consequently, new challenges and opportunities have appeared in the GIS 
research community. This symposium provides an up-to-date review of 
advances in both theoretical and technical development of Web and 
wireless geographical information systems (W2GIS). It is the 17th in a 
series of successful events beginning in 2001, and alternating locations 
annually between East Asia and Europe with the most recent Symposium 
held in A Coruna, Spain.


16th, May
09:00-09:30 Registration
09:30-10:00 Opening
10:00-11:00 Keynote
"5-Dimensional World Map" A SPA-based Semantic Computing System for 
Global Knowledge-Sharing, Integration, Analysis and Visualization 
Towards Environmental Artificial Intelligence ( Yasushi Kiyoki )

11:00-11:50 Session1 (Spatial Clustering)
[F] An Iterative Two-step Approach to Area Delineation ( Xiang Li, Qu 
Chen, Buyang Cao, Christophe Claramunt and Hong Yi )
[F] City Link: Finding Similar Areas in Two Cities using Twitter Data ( 
Wannita Takerngsaksiri, Shoko Wakamiya and Eiji Aramaki )

11:50-13:00 (lunch)
13:00-13:45 Session 2 (Regions-of-Interest)
[F] A Visual Analytics Approach to Exploration of Hotels in Overlaid 
Drive-Time Polygons of Attractions ( Chong Zhang, Zhengcong Yin, Peng 
Gao and Sathya Prasad )
[S] Identifying Preferred Areas in Road Networks ( Stefan Funke )

13:50-14:55 Session 3 (Navigation and Guidance)
[F] How to extend IndoorGML for Seamless Navigation between Indoor and 
Outdoor Space ( Taehoon Kim, Kyoung-Sook Kim and Jiyeong Lee )
[W] A multi-agent system for the simulation of ship evacuation ( Paul 
Couasnon, Quentin de Magnienville, Tianzhen Wang and Christophe Claramunt )
[W] What is the Impact of On-Street Parking Information for Drivers? ( 
Fabian Bock, Sergio Di Martino and Monika Sester )

14:55-15:20 (coffee break)
15:20-16:10 Session 4 (Nearest Neighbor Search and Applications)
[F] Continuous Nearest Neighbor Query with the Direction Constraint ( 
Xue Miao, Xi Guo, Huan Wang, Zhaoshun Wang and Xiaodong Ye )
[F] Predicting the Spatial Impact of Planned Special Events ( Sergio Di 
Martino, Simon Kwoczek and Silvia Rossi )

16:10-17:40 Discussion
18:00-20:30 Banquet

17th, May
09:30-10:00 Registration
10:00-11:10 Session 5 (Spatial Search and 3D Data Management)
[F] Designing a Query Language using Keyword Pairs for Spatial and 
Temporal Search ( Yuanyuan Wang, Panote Siriaraya, Haruka Sakara, 
Yukiko Kawai and Keishi Tajima )
[F] Concept and Framework of 3D Geo-Spatial Grid System ( Ji Song Yoo, 
Kyung Ju Min and Jong Wook Ahn )
[W] A Proposal of Distributed Occupancy Grid Map on Block Chain Network 
( Yousuke Watanabe )

11:10-11:30 (coffee break)
11:30-12:20 Session 6 (Wireless and Mobile Agents)
[F] Location-Aware QoE-Driven Wireless Relay Deployment For Energy 
Efficient Multimedia Communications ( Shuan He and Wei Wang )
[F] A Dynamic Weighted Trilateration Algorithm for Indoor Localization 
using Dual-band WiFi ( Mathivannan S, Srinath S, Shashank R,  Aravindh R 
and Vidhya Balasubramanian)

12:20-13:40 (lunch)
13:40-15:30 Business meeting
15:30-16:00 Closing

[F] (Full) : 25min (including QA)
[W] (Work in Progress) : 20min (including QA)
[S] (Short) : 20min (including QA)


Honorary Chair
K. Tanaka, Kyoto University, Japan

General Co-chairs
K. Sumiya, Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan
S. Storandt, University of Würsburg, Germany
Y. Kawai, Kyoto Sangyo University, Japan

Publicity Chair
T. Tezuka, University of Tsukuba, Japan

Local Co-chairs
D. Yamamoto, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan
S. Wakamiya, NAIST, Japan


M. Bertolotto, University College Dublin, Ireland
J.D. Carswell, Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland
C. Claramunt, Naval Academy Research Institute, France
S. di Martino, University of Naples Federico II, Italy
J. Gensel, University of Grenoble, France
F. Karimipour, University of Tehran, Iran
K.J. Li, Pusan National University, Korea
S. Liang, University of Calgary, Canada
M.R.  Luaces, University of A Coruna, Spain
K. Sumiya, Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan
T. Tezuka, University of Tsukuba, Japan
M. Tomko, University of Melbourne, Australia

M. Arikawa, University of Tokyo, Japan
A. Ballatore, Birkbeck, University of London, United Kingdom
A. Bouju, University of La Rochelle, France
M. Damiani, DICO - University of Milan, Italy
M. Duckham, RMIT University, Australia
Z. Fang, Wuhan University, China
F. Ferrucci, University of Salerno, Italy
S. Funke, University of Stuttgart, Germay
R. Güting, Fernuniversität Hagen, Germany
H. Huang, University of Zurich, Switzerland
Y. Ishikawa, Nagoya University, Japan
C.S. Jensen, Aalborg University, Denmark
K. Kim, AIST, Japan
D. Kitayama, Kogakuin University, Japan
S. Li, Ryerson University, Canada
X. Li, East China Normal University, China
Y. Liu, Peking University, China
F. Mata, National Polytechnic Institute, Mexico
S. Mustiere, IGN, France
M. Nascimento, University of Alberta, Canada
K. Patroumpas, Athena Research Center, Greece
M. Raubal, ETHZ, Switzerland
S. Sasaki, Keio University, Japan
H. Toda, NTT, Japan
K. Torp, University of Aalborg, Denmark
A. Voisard, Fraunhofer ISST and FU Berlin, Germany
Y. Wang, Yamaguchi University, Japan
Y. Watanabe, Nagoya University, Japan
R. Weibel, University of Zurich, Switzerland
S. Winter, The University of Melbourne, Australia
S. Yokoyama, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan
J. Zarazaga, University of Zaragoza, Spain
D. Ziebelin, Université Grenoble  Alpes, France