

[dbjapan] Azure Tutorial at 国立情報学研究所 (10月1日)


Gannon氏(eXtreme Computing Group, Microsoft Research)により、Azure
チュートリアルを行います。Cloud Computingの最新動向にご興味のある皆様、

 日時: 平成22年10月1日(金) 
    15:30-17:30 チュートリアル
 場所: 国立情報学研究所 12階1208号室
参加をご希望の方は、9月29日(水)までに、情報爆発-Windows Azure 担当:
azure-info-plsion [at] nii.ac.jp宛、メールにてお申し込み下さいますようお願い
  "Cloud Computing for Research and The Windows Azure Platform"
  Dr. Dennis Gannon and Dr. Roger Barga
  eXtreme Computing Group, Microsoft Research

 【Tutorial Abstract】
  Cloud computing offers a potential mechanism to increase the
  efficiency of current research, ensure continuity of critical data
  and enable new kinds of research not now feasible. In this model,
  researchers focus on the higher levels of the software stack -
  applications and innovation, not low-level infrastructure. The cloud
  service providers deliver economies of scale and capabilities driven
  by a large market base and energy efficient infrastructure. In this
  tutorial we will cover the basics of computing platforms,
  specifically Microsoft’s Windows Azure and it's associated
    application programming model and services. Following this
    introduction we will present examples from actual eScience and
    technical computing applications that illustrate
  how Windows Azure can be used an intellectual amplifier for

  Tutorial Outline
  ・Introduction to Cloud Computing
  ・Data Center Infrastructure, Evolution, and Application Implications
  ・Introduction to the Windows Azure Cloud Computing Platform
  ・Cloud Computing for eScience Applications, demos and/or examples
  ・Tutorial Summary

中野 美由紀	東京大学 生産技術研究所 戦略情報融合国際研究センタ
Miyuki NAKANO	Institute of Industrial Science, Univ. of Tokyo
        Center for Information Fusion
miyuki [at] tkl.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp