
A Study on Structural and Semantic Analysis for Presentation Content Management


番号 5
氏名 王 元元
フリガナ オウ ゲンゲン
学位名 博士(環境人間学)
取得大学 兵庫県立大学
学位授与日 2014年3月20日
指導教員名 角谷 和俊
論文題目(主) A Study on Structural and Semantic Analysis for Presentation Content Management

Due to the advent of Web services such as MOOC (e.g., Coursera, iTunes U) and presentation sharing websites (e.g., SlideShare, Prezi), they provide the archives of oral presentations and materials in public speeches and lectures owing to the features for searching, browsing, reusing, and sharing presentation contents. For example, famous Coursera and SlideShare provide an online educational presentation archive for self-learning and later review with presentation slides or video recordings of lectures. Thereby, people can be readers of presentation contents even if they are not in the same place as presenters. Although these tools and Web services make it easy for creating and sharing presentation contents are widely used, criticisms have pointed out their problems from the viewpoint of understandability about relevant information, structural information, and contextual information of presentation contents. The goal of this research is to solve the problems of traditional presentation tools focusing on searching, generating, and grasping presentation contents in e-learning, and then to develop efficient and useful applications for improving understanding of presentation contents, enhancing user interactions through presentation contents.

In this doctoral dissertation, in order to achieve these goals, the fundamental approach of this research is to explore explicit and implicit semantics of presentation contents. This approach enables to determine semantic relationships, extract expression styles, and present presentation context in presentation contents. Specifically, our approaches not only for a structural and semantic analysis of presentation contents, but also focus on support for retrieval, generation, grasping overviews of presentation contents. This research consists of five themes: support for presentation content retrieval to readers or searchers, (1) scene combination for slides with recorded videos, and (2) semantic slide ranking and snippet generation; support for presentation content generation to presenters or authors, (3) outline generation for presentation slides; support for grasping overviews of presentation contents to readers, (4) dynamic word clouds of presentation slides, and (5) iPoster: a collaborative browsing platform for slides.

