
Query Processing over Probabilistic Data with Gaussian Distributions


番号 21
氏名 Dong, Tingting
フリガナ トウ テイテイ
学位名 博士(情報科学)
取得大学 名古屋大学
学位授与日 2016年3月25日
指導教員名 石川 佳治
論文題目(主) Query Processing over Probabilistic Data with Gaussian Distributions
論文題目(副) ガウス分布に基づく確率的データに対する問合せ処理

■ 論文概要
The field of uncertain data management has received extensive attention of researchers due to the increasing demand for managing uncertain data in a large variety of real-world applications such as sensor networks, location-based services, monitoring and surveillance. In this thesis, we model uncertainty probabilistically and represent each uncertain object in the database using a Gaussian distribution. We consider the following three types of queries or searches over probabilistic data with Gaussian distributions: 1) probabilistic range query, 2) nearest neighbor search, and 3) similarity search.

■ 学位を取得して

公開URI http://hdl.handle.net/2237/24223